Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cleaned out the pen.

Another day where we didn't do a whole lot besides cleaning out the pens in the barn. It was a lot of manure to move. We got all but one pen done, which stunk because it rained rained so we couldn't take the manure to the pile. 

Chris trying to pull manure out of the pens.

So after all the rain I went to Caleb's house where Mike and Caleb were working with a guy from church named Russ. They worked on cabinets in the kitchens. When I went over I mainly just got  boxes together to get burned back home. After that there wasn't much left to do, well except there is a hole in the side of the house that had baby birds in it. We needed to get them out so we could cover the hole back up.

The hole to get the birdies out of.

After a lot of work that included dropping the pliers and having to get them out with much difficulty. 

Checked the chicks at the end of the night and they were a little bunched up which means they were probably a little cold. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Clean it up!

Well the day was pretty boring. I mean its never boring at the farm but it just was pretty uneventful. We mainly focused on cleaning the pens in the barn.... Which was muchly needed. 

The view of the day!!

Here's me and 2 of the chicks. The one on the left is so adorable and little but sadly these are the ones we have to get rid of. 

We got distillers in so we had to move all the grain wagons out of the way. We took one to go get filled so they;re are some pictures inside the grain bin. It was to windy though to fill it so we ended up not doing it. 

The grain wagon. 

This is inside the grain bin That long piece on the bottom is what makes the corn go into the arm that loads it into wagons or carts or trucks or whatever. 

Here it is at another angle. That arm has a spiral that colects the corn and takes it to the center where it goes outside.

This is the top of the grain bin... from inside. 

I then workked on making a cover for this motor. It takes water and mixed up stuff for the sprayer and puts it in the sprayer.

I tried to do a panoramic view of right outside of the cattle barn.

Corn in the wagon.

The distillers got here in a tractor trailer. They just opened the doors and it flipped out.

The new distillers are here!!

Chris getting manure out. 

The pen partially done.

The pen all bedded up and ready for cows to come in!

Well I tried my hand at the skid loader for the first time in a while. I scooped the ally out then went and got a bail of stalks. Not to exciting but everyone was patient because I'm not that great at it. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New in Town

The day was spent mostly in the little house but the morning started with a bang of chores. We fed cattle of course then had to do chickens. They weren't to bad today and NO calves today which is sad. I always love when we get new babies. 

This shows the diversity of genes in angus cattle. The white calf is an angus calf. It like Never happens but there is sometimes that freak incident aka God trying to wake us up with his humor. 

The view of the day when I went to feed bulls. Thats the grain bins and silo. 

So after chores the boys were going to start on cleaning out some of the cattle barn and we were going to load all the manure into the spreader then pile it from there. 

The only problem is that there was net wrap all in the tines.

Here's what we were dealing with. Corey and I cut it off and then had to pull it all off. It was quite an adventure. 

The middle shows what we started cutting away.

It looked great once it was FINALLY done. 

We then had to throw the wrap over the side into the gator to be taken away.

When I went to drop the net wrap I could see the corn popping that was planted when I first got here. 

Here's some more of it! It's looking great!

I stopped in town many times during the day to get different electrical things for Mike. I love going in town. It's so quaint and reminds me of the old towns you see in movies.

Here's across the street from Bunch Hardware that I stopped by many times. 

Mike putting in the electrical box.

Ready to install switches and outlets.

This is a house I pass every time on the way to and from town. You can't see it real well but it's pretty cool. Its mostly underground and they have cattle on the pasture that is above the house. It's pretty funny looking. But pretty cool. 

The boys had done good work but the grappel that they were using broke a few times so we had to use the bucket then which was a bit rough so we ended up having to fork a lot of it out. 

One of the calves wanted to eat the shovel.

Heres how annoying it was. It wouldn't pick any manure up.

The calves kept getting out! it was getting pretty annoying.

Corey scooping the manure in the spreader.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not to busy of a day.

Well the day was pretty uneventful. The morning started with chores. Fed cows and worked on chickens. 

Baby chicks!

This baby can't walk and has no feathers around its but... obviously. These are the ones we have to umm err... put out of their misery. 

Caleb counting chicks.

The view of the day!

I'm not sure if you can see the video or not but its just of the cattle barn and the different dividers.

So when I went to check cows today and I left all the gates open like I normally do. Well they normally don't get out but apparently he felt like getting out and eating a bit of grass. Thankfully he's a super chill so he went right back in.

Caleb and Dallas.

This is a house in Lenox that got hit by the tornado. 

My work boots.

This is really all Caleb does... Plays baseball with the kids.

Michala on the tractor. 

So it's really cute when the little calves get in the feed bunks and lay down but its another thing when the big lowline steers and heifers jump in because then you have to pull them under the bars. So here's Corey getting ready to get the heifer in.

Next I work at Caleb's house with him and Mike. I worked mostly with the insulation. I put pieces in the spaces between the window and the studs.

Here's the little space I had to stuff it in.