Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lenox, IA

Well I meant to start this on Friday but life was a bit to crazy for that. I am in Lenox, IA currently I am living with with the Standley family here.

So long story short..... Back at the Iowa State fair in August I met Mike Standley while showing lowlines with my boss Bill Kauffman. I then attended Faith Baptist Bible College with his daughter. After some thinking and discussing I spoke to Mike about possibly working and getting some experience in Mid West Agriculture versus East  Coast Agriculture. Anyway after some talking and praying I'm here.

So I'll start with yesterday.
Saturday May, 2011

We started the day bright and early at 7 am. Mike showed me around the farm to begin then we started working on the test plot. I guess I should start by saying Mike sells seed for Kruger which I've been told is the best seed ever. I've never known much about crops but am learning a TON!
Mike, Caleb and Cory discussing whats going on today. 

My first job of the day was writing the numbers of the seed on flags and stakes for the test plot. 
19 stakes and flags. 

Those barns in the back are the chicken barns. No chickens yet but they'll be here in a couple weeks. 

The test plot is used so customers can see the differences in seed production.  

12 row planter baby!

Stakes and (rolled) flags after the planting. 

Hey no breaks here!

Later in the day I went out to the fields and barns and looked for calves. Heres one of the lowline babies. Isn't he just a sweety. 

Weighed in at 50 lbs. 

We bedded up the cattle barn later in the day. 

The feeder cattle loved the corn stalks so much they couldn't wait till it was down they wouldn't get out of the way.

All the Angus babies. 

Well there was definitely a lot more done on Saturday but I can't remeber it all. I will now try write every day so my moma can see whats going on ")

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