Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rain= get chicken barns ready.

Well I know I'm a day behind but I'll write like it is Friday today then I'll post one later for tomorrow. 
So, today we worked  more on the bottom chicken barn. I started with spreading PTL on the end of the barn that was soaked. It helped to dry up the wet area and then neutralized the ammonia. I then sprayed the barn with the insecticide then spread the PTL on the rest of the barn. 

PTL bags with spreader behind the gator (the spreader is behind the sprayer)

The barn dried up pretty well! 

Feed man came to bring feed. 

I then moved collars on the feeders. The collars are those white things on either side of the feeder. I just moved one over so that feed comes out only one side. 

Chicken feeder.

After that Cory and I worked on heaters. We just blew the dust off the top and in between the burner and top. Theres usually a bit of feathers underneath there from birds making nests. 

The heaters.

After that we built a fence about 20 feet from the middle curtain to keep the chicks from piling against the curtain. 

The fence we built.

We flushed the water lines next. 

Water line. 

I had to hold this pipe so the water didn't squirt out of it but instead flowed down the water line. I only got soaked twice! 

We then spread paper under the feeders. This serves a two fold purpose. On the middle two lines we fold the paper up so when we are unloading they don't run out under the loader. But before that we take the feed and spread it on the paper so the chicks can find the feed. 

Rolls of paper. 

Feed lines with the paper under them. 
Its longer to the right there to fold up to keep the chicks in. 

Feed and water lines put down.

Noah and Chris working on feed lines. 

Caleb and Cory fixing heaters.

Feed tube to the left and the curtain is to the right.

We found a mouse on the curtain. 

Chris cleaning a piece thats about the width of a dime with a metal thread.

So its real cute when the babies get in the feed bunks and lay down and all. Its another thing when the lowelines get in there because its difficult to get them back out. 

Lowline heifer in the bunk.

Chris putting hay in for the heifers. 

Twins are doing pretty good!

The girls had their violin recital today. They both did so great!!

Cassidy and Michala.

Stran and Grandma.

Stran was making us all laugh during the recital. 

Cassidy playing her 2 songs.

Michala playing Allegro.

The tree teachers and Biz playing a Medley. 

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