Monday, May 9, 2011

PIGS PIGS PIGS!! and a chicken or two

Well Today started out with feeding. Believe it or not this is my first day of doing chores here o nthe farm. By chores I mean feeding cattle. Here we feed corn distillers which is whats left when they make grain alcohol. So there is not much waste from using this process. We then put corn stalks in the bunk for them to eat.
Corey shoveling out the distillers. 

Corn stalks going into the feedin machine! 

Corey with the tractor and feeder.

The distillers for the lowline cows.

The sweet big old bull. He's not doing so hot so hes by himself. But he is a sweety!

Chris feeding in the bottom barn to the lowlines and angus cattle. 

The lowlines eating. 

Nothing better than seeing black cattle on green grass (and some dirt). Standly's farm is in the backround.

Next job of the day was powerwashing all the trucks. I have a feeling they were running out of things for me to do but they said I did the skid loader real nice so they wanted the trucks to look good too. I washed 4 pick ups.

One of the trucks before.

Another after.

Wish you could really see the dirt it was way gross.

Looks brand new! (except later that night while ridding with Connie we hit a dear. Wasn't to bad dammage though! and we are safe)

Next deal of the day was to go to the Travis's pig barns and help unload baby pigs. Jean is the head honcho.... all the guys listen to her when it comes to hogs. 

One of the 4 rooms in a barn. 
Here they come off the truck! There were something like 2700 hogs. 

Did I mention it's a nursery? These piggys are only around 10 lbs. So cute!

They guilts run down to the last two rooms then when the barrows are unloaded they go in the first two rooms. 

Now to sort 58 in to each pen. Plus a pen for sick and little pigs. 

This was sapose to be a pic of the temperature. It was 91 when I took the picture but got up to 92 93. 

Next was to go to the tire place and get Chris's tire on his lawn mower fixed.

His lawn mower.... but they couldn't find the hole in the tire. 

Michala just getting dirt off the truck.

Last big job of the day was to put that board above the wall up. The bedding is pretty high in there so we wanted to make sure there would be no problems.

Can bairly see it but its inside about a foot above the wall.. 

End of a beautiful day.

....... So I thought. 

Since today it got so hot Connie's parents chickens started dropping like flys from heat strokes or heart attacks. I'm not exactly sure, but it was because of the heat. So a bunch of us went over to help and ended up staying till 12:30 to get all the birds cleaned up. It was pretty interesting but more than anything it was a long night. Hence why the blog is so late today... sorry mom.

Dreadful chickens!

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